SharePoint Basics : Part 3

Overview of sites and site collections in SharePoint Server ...

SharePoint Site Structure

SharePoint Farm

  • A SharePoint farm is a collection of one or more SharePoint servers or SQL servers.
  • A SharePoint farm is a logical grouping of SharePoint servers that share common resources like apps. 
  • A Farm has one server running the central administration site and many servers for many SharePoint sites.
  • Each farm has its own central configuration database managed through central administration site.
What is SharePoint farm? - Definition from

Web Application

  • Container which may contain many site collection in it, at least one site collection is by default
  • Web Applications are top-level containers for content in a SharePoint farm.
  • When we are creating web app we create an IIS website by default.
  • Can only be created in the Central Admin UI (or via the STSADM tools etc.)
  • Each web application by default contains single content database.

For E.g. is the web app and top level domain.

Create Web Application in SharePoint 2013 using PowerShell ...

3. Site Collection

How to Create a Blank Site Collection and a Blank Sub Site on ...

  • A site collection is grouping of websites under a common top level site having same owner and permissions.
  • Site collection is a top-level site that contains sub sites.
  • Each Site collection has exactly 1 ‘Top Level Site’.
  • The top level site collection contains other site collections under it

To create a site collection: Go to SharePoint 2013 Central Administration>Application Management>Create site collections>Change Web Application>Title and Description>Web Site Address>Template Selection>Site Collection Administrator (domain\username)

4. Sub-sites

  • Sub sites are created under a site collection to distribute the data according to the hierarchy.
  • A SharePoint Site is a collection of pages, lists, libraries, apps, configurations, features, content types, and sub-sites.
  • A site can be a top-level site or a sub site of the top level site.
  • A site can also have other sites – these are called sub-sites.
  • Sub sites can also have other sub sites and so on.
  • To create a sub site in SharePoint 13, go to SharePoint Site>Settings>Site Contents>New Sub site>enter title, desc,url,template.


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