SharePoint Basics Part 2

What is SharePoint?


SharePoint is a web-based platform having document management and storage system to organise, access and store documents visible to the users of the organisation.

It has centralized secured space for document sharing.

SharePoint is an identity management system.

It has smooth classification of the information.

The Six Pillars of SharePoint

6 Pillars of SharePoint

1. Sites

Sites are inside site collection of web application used to display information.

2. Communities

Various blogs created by the user to communicate information.

3. Content

The way of representation of the organisational data

4. Search

To find content inside the documents or any contents displayed in the sites.

5. Insight

Graphical representation of data in form of charts, pie graphs etc.

6. Composites

It is pushing and pulling data to/ from other business systems like importing from other apps.

What is SharePoint used for? Why do we need SharePoint?

Advantage and Disadvantage of SharePoint - javatpoint

· We can access any of the sites anywhere besides the place of its origin.

· We can access sites through any platform and any web apps to display them.

· SharePoint can be used to build a team site and many people can modify either whole or a part of it simultaneously.

· Store information in a centralised location.

· Intranet-the sites can be accessed through a LAN  

· Documents - shared space to store documents

· Collaboration - ease of interaction and internal communication among locations.

· Extranet - the sites which can be accessed through intranet as well as internet.

· Websites : SharePoint allows you to sign in and make changes to your pages.

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